Klein Plastiek
Handzame sculpturen in steen
Behalve tot schilderen nodigt de beleving van het landschap uit tot plastische en tactiele vertaling in vormgeving door middel van kleine handzame en middelgrote sculpturen in marmer,steatite , albast, serpentijn en Belgisch hardsteen.
Door het werken met blinden en slechtzienden ben ik gekomen tot het maken van tastvormen waarin de huid van het oppervlak ervaren kan worden.
Handy sculptures in stone
In addition to painting, the experience of the landscape invites to plastic and tactile translations in design by means of small and handy sculptures in marble, soapstone, alabaster, serpentine , Belgian and Irish bluestone.
By working with blind and partially sighted people I have come to make tactile forms in which the skin of the surface can be experienced.
In addition to painting, the experience of the landscape invites to plastic and tactile translations in design by means of small and handy sculptures in marble, soapstone, alabaster, serpentine , Belgian and Irish bluestone.
By working with blind and partially sighted people I have come to make tactile forms in which the skin of the surface can be experienced.