Klein Plastiek
Expressieve Beelden in Brons
Naast de verbeelding van menselijke eigenschappen en relaties is ook de verbinding met de natuur een belangrijk thema.
Zoals het thema Stroming , verbeeld in ruimte en beweging, opgebouwd uit de 4 elementen : vuur ( licht ) , lucht , water en aarde ( gevormd in brons).
Het gaat niet alleen om het voor het oog herkenbare maar om de geest die in de materie afdaalt en zo een eigen visie op de mensen en de wereld laat zien.
Expressive sculptures in bronze
In addition to depicting human characteristics and relationships, the connection with nature is also an important theme.
Such as the theme flow, depicted in space and movement, built up from the 4 elements: Fire (Light) air, water and earth (formed in bronze)
It is not only about what is recognizable to the eye, but about the spirit that descends into matter and thus shows its own vision of man and the world.
In addition to depicting human characteristics and relationships, the connection with nature is also an important theme.
Such as the theme flow, depicted in space and movement, built up from the 4 elements: Fire (Light) air, water and earth (formed in bronze)
It is not only about what is recognizable to the eye, but about the spirit that descends into matter and thus shows its own vision of man and the world.